Sunday, May 1, 2011

GSP in Lackluster Decision Win

In the first minute of the first round, Shields caught a St. Pierre kick and briefly appeared to be in position for a takedown, but GSP managed to hop around on one foot and get himself free. From there St. Pierre showed how superior his striking is than Shields' repeatedly landing jabs that backed Shields up, and getting creative by going for some spinning back kicks. It was clear through the first round that St. Pierre had a big advantage standing up.

In the second round, St. Pierre made frequent use of overhand right hands, and Shields didn't have much of an answer for them. None of St. Pierre's punches knocked Shields down, but several of them landed hard, and Shields was clearly affected. Shields did almost nothing to St. Pierre, as the fight continued to be fought just on the feet, exactly where St. Pierre wanted it.

The third round was more of the same until the final 30 seconds, when St. Pierre surprised Shields by going for a takedown of his own and knocking Shields on his back. That was a surprise, as Shields' only hope of a victory was pulling off a submission on the ground, but it showed just how comfortable St. Pierre was feeling.

Full Article & Source: MMA Fighting

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