Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Frank Mir Has All the Confidence in the World in Cain Valasquez

Frank Mir recently released a statement displaying his respect for the current UFC Heavyweight title holder.
Mir stated:

"I'm still not completely sold on dos Santos. (He hasn't seen the UFC 131 fight between JDS/Carwin). I don't know how well-rounded he is. Velasquez right now, though, I think is a hard match-up for everybody," Mir told ESPN (via Fight Opinion). I think he posses the one tool that is every heavyweight's Achilles heel and that's his cardio. It's amazing that he has cardio on the same level as most Welterweights that are at the top of their cardio game. He's shown to be extremely well-rounded as far as hands, takedowns. He threw Brock Lesnar around like a rag doll, I couldn't believe it, I mean he out-struck him obviously but he picked him up and threw him down and I was blown away by that. Also, Brock with all that size and power couldn't even hold him down once he had taken him down. So, right now, I'm pretty much if you tell me Cain Velasquez and anybody to name on the other end of that roster, I would bet on Cain Velasquez."

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