Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Master Rogan Turns Martha Stewart?

Joe Rogan weighs in on eye pokes, and how to possibly deter them in the future.

I was really enjoying the Justin Wilcox vs JZ fight last night up until that eye poke, and it got me thinking again about an idea I had. There's always going to be a problem with open handed gloves, but I was wondering if there was a solution where we could develop a glove that covered the tips of the fingers and kept them all together like a speed bag glove. We would still have to worry about the thumb, but I think it could prevent at least some of the eye pokes from open hand pushes.

What I was thinking was a thin leather cover for the 4 fingers with some elastic on the sides so that it could spread out a bit to adjust grip. I don't think it would hinder grappling too much if done properly, and it might even help because it would provide traction when gripping that bare sweaty fingers wouldn't.

We obviously have a real problem with the gloves the way they are, and I haven't heard anyone come up with any solutions. I think this might work.
What say ye, UG?

Source: Mixed Martial Arts

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