Friday, June 3, 2011

New York MMA Bill Not Set To Pass This Year?

A bill to legalize the sport of mixed martial arts is on the move—but it’s still on uncertain ground in the Legislature.

Mixed martial arts is a blend of kickboxing, wrestling, jujitsu and other techniques. Athletes combine striking and grappling moves while battling in a cage, and the sport is rapidly becoming more and more popular.

The Senate passed a bill to drop New York’s ban on the sport late last month in a bipartisan, 48-12 vote. An Assembly committee is expected to pass the bill in a June 7 meeting.

Officials at the Times Union Center, in downtown Albany, have said they expect at least near-sellouts of the 17,500-seat arena for each mixed martial arts event, generating $4 million in ticket sales and spending at restaurants, hotels and retailers.

Still, one of the bill’s most vocal opponents doubts it will advance.

“It’s a dead issue for this session,” said Assemblyman Bob Reilly (D-Latham), who has decried the sport as being too brutal and violent.

“There’s less than 10 days of session left, and I don’t think it’s sufficient time to vet this subject as needed,” Reilly added, noting that the session ends on June 20.

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