Saturday, June 18, 2011

Overeem Discusses Facial Scar

"I was 15 years old and hanging out in bars in my home country of the Netherlands, and I was always getting into fights. And this one guy broke a bottle in my face. I had to have 20 stitches through my cheek."

"I've always been a fighter and always competitive. But I then started to get more disciplined and not be such a rebel. My brother helped me focus to get out of trouble and get me in the right direction."

"I wanted to join the Army but my eyesight wasn't good, so I quit school and my job to just focus on fighting," said Overeem, who was born in England to a Jamaican father and Dutch mother. "I didn't want to just get deployed. I wanted to get in on the action."

"I'm happy where I'm at now, but I want to show the world that I'm the No. 1 fighter. I want to prove it the world. I'm focused and ready."

Full Article

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