Friday, June 10, 2011

Shaq to the UFC?

The former Laker previously said he’d be interested in fighting fellow giant Hong Man Choi (or as UFC president Dana White once unforgettably called him “Long Duck Dong”) once his playing days were over. While an Octagon scrap isn’t likely in the cards, a partnership with the world’s premier mixed martial arts promotion is possible.

“Shaq loves [MMA], Shaq’s been training for a long time,” White said on Friday’s edition of ESPN’s FirstTake. “Actually, a week before he retired, Shaq called me and he wants to be involved in the UFC somehow. He’s always been a good friend to us and I’m sure you’re going to see Shaq around the UFC a lot.

“He said, ‘Listen, I’m gonna have a lot of free time on my hands. I love this sport, I want to get involved. I want to be a part of it.’”

During his 19 dominant seasons in the NBA, Shaq established himself as one of the world’s biggest superstars – literally and figuratively. With a Rolodex packed full of celebrities, to go along with his nearly 4 million followers on Twitter, White can’t wait to get Shaq Fu in the mix.

“He’s not just coming in [at the last-minute], he’s been a part of it for a long time,” White said of Diesel’s devotion to the sport. “Shaq helped us launch the first season of ‘The Ultimate Fighter.’ He’s always supported us and has always been a good friend.

“So now that he wants to be involved, I’m more than happy to get him.”

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This can go one of two ways if Shaq is brought on board.

One would turn the UFC into a freak show that is willing to hire any celebrity with a face in order to continue their global dominance over the mixed martial arts world.

The other would be an opening to new demographics. Those who were big basketball fans, and even bigger Shaq fans may migrate to the UFC. Their thoughts might be something like 'hey, if Shaq loves is, it can't be all that bad!'

We will see in the coming months, but let us just pray this doesn't turn into some future show of celebrities running an organization. First it was Chuck Lidell, now possibly Shaq, and what's next? The Undertaker?

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