Monday, June 13, 2011

Doctor Calls Out Rogan On His 'Expertise'

Joe Rogan makes plenty of statement and gives the viewers of the UFC something to wrap their minds around, that is his job as an announcer. But the question begins to arise, does Rogan completely know what he is talking about? His BJJ skills have been superb in his calling of fights, but has he let the fact that he is a great fight announcer mix with his belief that he knows medical issues as well?

So, I found it very interesting when a doctor began questioning Rogan and this lovely little gem is what turned up following UFC 131:

Rogan will go into the UFC Hall of Fame for his masterful fight commentary. His knowledge of technique, fighters' tendencies and MMA history is nothing short of brilliant.

In my opinion, he and Mauro Ranallo (I don't care what the haters say; I appreciate intelligence and eloquence in all forms – and especially when applied to MMA) are among the very best TV commentators in MMA.

Rogan's commentary regarding medical – and, some would say, more than an occasional social issue – may leave a bit to be desired.

Therefore, let us do a little medical fact checking, shall we?

Dr. Rogan stated after the highlight-reel knockout of Yves Edwards at the formidable hands of Sam Stout that keeping one's eyes open while "asleep" after a KO was a bad sign. Incorrect.

A "bad sign" was when Edwards' body became rigid/stiff and his legs began to shake uncontrollably (convulse). The observation of his eyes being open is visually compelling for the television audience, though it's immaterial from a medical viewpoint. An athlete experiencing a seizure after suffering a concussion is a medical matter that requires prompt and proper attention and appropriate follow-up.

Is there anyone out there who still believes that concussions are not a big deal in sports?

Thankfully, as UFC president Dana White mentioned in a recent interview, MMA regulatory organizations (athletic commissions) routinely mandate at least a six-month suspension and proper neurological evaluation before contact will be permitted after a fighter suffers a knockout.

(Hello? Is anyone listening in the NFL or NHL?)

Let us continue.

The comment was made that repeated inside-leg/thigh kicks (Donald Cerrone's leg/thigh attack of Vagner Rocha serves as a perfect illustration) cause a great deal of pain/damage because of impact to the femoral artery.

Oooh so close. But nevertheless, incorrect.

The correct answer is femoral nerve. Actually the femoral nerve – not artery – lies more directly in the path of such a blow and carries the pain and motor signals to a large portion of the leg/thigh. Too bad there's no such thing as partial credit in medicine.

Please, let's continue our grand rounds.

During the main event, Shane Carwin was forced to breathe through his gaping mouth due to the blood and trauma to his nose. Rogan then commented that breathing with his mouth open during a fight is potentially dangerous because it would make Carwin more susceptible to getting hit (or have difficulty avoiding a strike).

Not exactly.

Breathing with an open mouth makes it more likely that one may suffer a broken jaw when struck. It also exposes a fighter's chin and relaxes the neck muscles and thus renders one more susceptible to a knockout.

Combat Sports Medicine 101: Open mouth + exposed chin (not tucked) + relaxed neck muscles = recipe for disaster.

The best medical commentary (cageside physicians not included) given all night was when legendary Philadelphia corner man Mr. Leon Tabb properly advised a battered Carwin not to blow his nose in an attempt to clear the blood and improve his breathing.

Dr. Tabb (he received his honorary medical degree through job experience and tens of thousands of rounds in the trenches) intuitively knows that after the soft tissue around the eye becomes seriously injured due to repetitive blunt trauma, the vessels begin to leak. If the patient then strains/bears down (valsalva) to increase pressure to forcefully clear his nose, rapid blood loss that creates massive swelling will ensue – likely closing shut one if not both eyes.

Three things were vital in allowing Carwin to persevere to an honorable, if not lopsided, conclusion:

  • His undeniable heart
  • Great officiating by referee Herb Dean
  • Superb corner work and advice by the legend, Mr. Leon Tabb
Source: MMA Junkie

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