Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tapout Making Moves To Other Sports

Tapout is taking their products into new sports and to new athletes.

Their first break away from the fighting world, Tapout is looking for a young and bright face to help promote their product to new demographics. So, it came as no surprise that Chad Ochocinco turned out to be that person.

"Ochocinco is the perfect athlete to represent the TapouT brand and its energy and intensity," said Chris Circo, CEO of Battle Sports Science. "Fans absolutely adore Chad's rule-breaking enthusiasm and passionate devotion to sports. This is evident in the relationship he maintains with his over 2 million Twitter followers."

The main reasoning for the change was also because of the mouth guard that the company creates. Their product is proving much more superior to current mouth guards in other sports such as football, hockey, lacrosse, etc because the air flow is much better in mouth. It also is becoming much more popular because their product performs much better than that of its competitors and costs potentially hundreds of dollars less.

Tapout brand is making smart moves. Look for their name in other sports here very soon.

Do you think Chad Ochocinco was the correct choice for their first cross-over marketing experiment? Or should they have tried for someone else? Let Bjjardos know.

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