Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Joe Rogan Blasts Back

Joe Rogan responds to the allegations that he is 'unaware' of what he says and blasts back at the haters on the Underground

Seems like a nit picky article aimed at getting some attention.
Good to see it backfired. 

I'll address a few points really quickly.
"Dr. Rogan stated after the highlight-reel knockout of Yves Edwards at the formidable hands of Sam Stout that keeping one's eyes open while "asleep" after a KO was a bad sign. Incorrect.
A "bad sign" was when Edwards' body became rigid/stiff and his legs began to shake uncontrollably (convulse). The observation of his eyes being open is visually compelling for the television audience, though it's immaterial from a medical viewpoint. An athlete experiencing a seizure after suffering a concussion is a medical matter that requires prompt and proper attention and appropriate follow-up."

Incorrect?  Really? It means he's completely out cold rather than just knocked down and hurt.  That most certainly IS a bad sign.  It's ALSO a bad sign to see him stiff and shaking.

For a doctor to correct that seems extremely silly.

"The comment was made that repeated inside-leg/thigh kicks (Donald Cerrone's leg/thigh attack of Vagner Rocha serves as a perfect illustration) cause a great deal of pain/damage because of impact to the femoral artery."

Oooh so close. But nevertheless, incorrect.

The correct answer is femoral nerve. Actually the femoral nerve – not artery – lies more directly in the path of such a blow and carries the pain and motor signals to a large portion of the leg/thigh. Too bad there's no such thing as partial credit in medicine."

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