Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shane Carwin To Replace Lesnar at UFC 131

Shane Carwin found out via his manager of the news.

This came from Carwins blog:

I was training and my phone was blowing up so I looked over and saw some missed calls from Dana and Joe Silva.  I reached out to my manager to see what was going on and he informed me that we are taking Lesnar's spot for 131.

Junior is a serious fight and not the type of fight that you would normally take on a 30 day notice but I have a dream to chase and I do not have a lot of time to chase it.  This is an opportunity to put myself in contention for the title.  I know my Coaches will have me ready so I have everything to gain.

My manager said "This is where you belong" and I am going to make sure I do everything I can to prove him right.

Please help make UFC 131 one of the biggest cards in the year.

I hope Brock is able to recover.  I look forward to facing him again one day. 

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