Monday, June 13, 2011

Bonnar Wants To Kick Koscheck's A$$

 Bonnar is currently in a lawsuit involving Josh Koscheck and his likeness on a new line of T-shirts that is turning heads.

"Words cannot describe how bad I want to kick Josh Koscheck's ass right now," Bonnar said at this weekend's UFC Fight Club Q&A session. "Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I'm up just thinking about all the things I want to do to him – and kick his ass."

The conflict stems from a recently released line of UFC-branded T-shirts created by Bonnar's NGAUGE Inc., Trash Talking Kids. A parody of the 1980s line of Garbage Pail Kids products, Trash Talking Kids feature caricatures of UFC fighters such as Matt Hamill, Brock Lesnar, Roy Nelson and Georges St-Pierre.

Each cartoonish portrait centers on a particular quality or trait by depicting the athletes as a character. Hamill is "The Incredible Hamill," Lesnar is "Brocked and Loaded," Nelson is "Big Boy Roy," and St-Pierre is "Gentleman Georges."

Koscheck, who was portrayed as another 1980s product, the Cabbage Patch Kids, took issue with the T-shirt, according to Bonnar.

"Josh Koscheck is suing me over this – legitimately taking me to court and suing me," Bonnar said as he pulled an example of the shirt from his backpack. "These are illegal. They're contraband. We can't sell them, and if you get caught possessing one, you can go to jail."

Despite the challenges Bonnar faces with the lawsuit, "The American Psycho" insists his company will soldier on.

Source: MMA Junkie

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